segunda-feira, 22 de julho de 2013


I just wish I could still be the little ballerina
that once I was.
Cause she didn’t know what I know,
And she didn’t know happiness was something we couldn’t take for granted
cause not everybody in this World was meant to be happy.
She still didn’t know we could be hurt by the ones we loved the most
in life,
cause her life was filled with endless sweet songs, skirts made of dreams and
the most beautiful fantasies.
So, she didn’t know the fear people have inside of them and that,
due to that
they were afraid of saying the very things they should never forget saying
cause nothing in life could be more important than those: the true feelings we, carefully, hold in ourselves.
The most precious life signs within…
I just wish I could still dance as if love weren’t something we had to pretend.
Just the way the little ballerina did so many times
before people taught her everything
about life.

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